Elevate Your Shower Routine With Essential Oils: 6 Bathing Oils That Will Soothe Your Mind, Body, And Soul

These aromatic extracts can transform an ordinary shower session into a spa retreat, along with providing many benefits for your mind, body, and soul.

Ritika Sakhuja
Written by: Ritika SakhujaUpdated at: Sep 23, 2023 21:30 IST
Elevate Your Shower Routine With Essential Oils: 6 Bathing Oils That Will Soothe Your Mind, Body, And Soul

Onlymyhealth Tamil

While many people may see the shower simply as a place to cleanse your body, there are a lot of us for whom it is a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation. One way to enhance your shower experience is by incorporating essential oils into your routine. These aromatic extracts are sure to transform an ordinary shower session into a spa-like retreat, along with providing many benefits for your mind, body, and soul. Here are six essential oils to consider adding to your shower routine for a delightful sensory experience.

Also Read: 6 Essential Oils That Can Cure Common Health Problems

Essential Bathing Oils To Add To Your Shower Routine

Whether you seek relaxation, energy, or skin benefits, there's an essential oil out there that will perfectly suit your needs. You can incorporate the following essential oils individually, or experiment with different combinations to find your perfect shower-time aroma:

Lavender Oil

Essential Bathing Oils

Lavender oil is renowned for its calming and soothing properties. Inhaling its gentle floral scent can help reduce stress and promote a sense of relaxation. Adding a few drops to the water can turn your shower space into a tranquil oasis. A study published in the BMC Complementary And Alternative Medicine Journal by Japanese Researchers showed that topical application of lavender oil promotes collagen synthesis and wound healing.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a fantastic pick-me-up. Its crisp scent can awaken your senses and provide a burst of energy. Use it sparingly, as it's extremely potent. Mix a drop or two with your shower gel for a refreshing experience.

Lemon Oil

For a citrusy zing to your bathing time, consider lemon oil. Its bright and uplifting fragrance can boost your mood and leave you feeling refreshed. Use it cautiously as it may be photosensitive, meaning it can react with sunlight on your skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial properties. It's great for promoting skin health and can be especially useful for those with acne-prone skin. Add a few drops to your body wash for a cleansing experience.

Chamomile Oil

Chamomile oil is excellent for those seeking a soothing and gentle shower. Its sweet and herbal scent can help alleviate stress and calm the mind. It's perfect for unwinding after a long day.

Eucalyptus Oil

Essential Bathing Oils

If you're looking for an invigorating start to your day, eucalyptus oil is the way to go. Its fresh, minty aroma can clear your sinuses and help you breathe easier. Simply place a few drops in warm bath water, and let the steam do the rest.

How to Use Essential Oils In The Shower

Before you incorporate essential oils into your daily shower routine, keep in mind that most essential oils are highly concentrated and should be used only three to four drops at a time. Additionally, you should avoid applying essential oils directly to your skin as they are extremely potent and can cause irritation. 

Also Read: All About Aromatherapy and Essential Oils For Holistic Healing

To effectively use essential oils in your shower routine, you can blend them to a washcloth, or sponge, in your bath water, or directly to your shower floor. Make sure that when the aroma of these oils disperses, you take in deep breaths to allow their scent to work its magic into your body. 

Lastly, be cautious when using essential oils if you have allergies or sensitive skin. Always do a patch test before widespread use, and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. Remember, the key to enjoying the benefits of essential oils in the shower is moderation and safety. With the right oils and a little creativity, you can turn your shower into a sensory oasis that promotes well-being and relaxation.
