Watch Out for These Warning Signs and Symptoms of Brain Tumor

Other DiseasesBy Onlymyhealth editorial teamOct 05, 2021

‘Brain tumor’, hearing this word gives goosebumps as we know this as a deathly condition equivalent to cancer but there is more to it. Brain tumor necessarily isn’t fatal or cancerous but it depends on the tissue growth. There could be non-cancerous growth too that won’t do much harm. Also, diagnosing brain tumor at an early stage helps in treating it from the roots. For this, one should watch out the warning signs and symptoms of brain tumor. In this video, Dr. V.P. Singh, Chairman- Institute of Neurosciences, Medanta- The Medicity is telling the potential symptoms of brain tumor.


While headaches are common and can happen due to various reasons, severe and persistent headaches could be a sign of brain tumor.

Headache + Nausea

If severe headache is accompanied by nausea, you are highly likely to have been exhibiting brain tumor symptoms.

Vision Problems

If you are finding it hard to have a clear vision and the object look blurry to you, take it seriously. If this is seen along with headache and nausea, it could be brain tumor.

Apart from these, other signs and symptoms of brain tumor include weakness in the body, seizures, speech problems, etc.

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