How Parents Can Help Their Teen Daughter Cope With Life Issues

A lack of parental and peer support has been linked to depression during teenage. 

Sambhav Kumar
Written by: Sambhav KumarUpdated at: Apr 02, 2023 15:30 IST
 How Parents Can Help Their Teen Daughter Cope With Life Issues

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Parents demonstrating their love and support for their daughter can help them navigate challenging situations better. 

Earlier studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that the COVID-19 pandemic preferentially impacted females. Knowing how to effectively help your teen daughter and manage conversations about mental health can be complex as a parent. Here are some tips to follow. 

More Focus On Support

Social and emotional connectedness is undoubtedly one of the most powerful weapons against major stress and melancholy. According to research, a lack of parental and peer support has been linked to depression during the teenage years. Friendship can also help minimise the link between severe adolescent anxiety and suicidal ideation. Social support was connected to improved resilience in one research on teenagers, such as being better able to resist social cruelty, such as bullying.

Knowing Their Peer Groups 

The peer group heavily influences an adolescent girl's response to the life challenges of a teen . The American Psychological Association suggests that if parents believe their daughter's friends will put her in danger, they need to express their concerns about her safety explicitly so that they can protect her as best as they can.

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Social Media Awareness

According to a Common Sense Media survey, 35% of young girls who use social media are concerned about individuals tagging them in unappealing images. Furthermore, 27% are concerned about their appearance when they publish photos. And 22% feel horrible about themselves when no one comments or "likes" the images they share. Furthermore, Facebook use has been related to increased eating problems. So, it is important for a parent to make their daughter aware of the reality of social media. 

Accept The Accountability Of Your Behaviour

While raising a teenager it is obvious for a parent to face a few embarrassing and bitter moments. If parents resort to yelling, shaming, or hurling their power around, they should accept their wrong behaviour and move on.

Provide Her Space

Provide her own area to flourish while also clearly defining the boundaries. Recognise that she will occasionally challenge these boundaries, and at that point in time you must remind her that she is aware of the boundaries and that they must be re-established.

Also read: Parenting Tips To Raise A Teenager

Set A Failure Threshold

It's important to know when to intervene and when to allow your teen daughter to make their own decisions, even if it means failing. It's like a failing-forward threshold. Tell your daughter that if she believes the cost of committing a potential mistake will outweigh the value of learning from it, she may have hit her threshold.

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