Here are some ways to lower your cholesterol

For a healthy life, it is important to keep a check on cholesterol numbers. Pay attention to your eating habits and lifestyle for a healthy body.

 Onlymyhealth Staff Writer
Written by: Onlymyhealth Staff WriterUpdated at: Aug 31, 2017 16:00 IST
Here are some ways to lower your cholesterol

Onlymyhealth Tamil

More of LDL "bad" cholesterol results in clogged arteries, various heart diseases and stroke. Instead of taking cholesterol-lowering medication, you can also reduce the intake of high cholesterol by eating the right food, engaging yourself in regular exercises and adapting some more good habits.

Here are some special tips that will help you to slash high cholesterol levels:

Avoid saturated fat

Saturated fat is the main culprit behind an increase in cholesterol. Instead of cutting cholesterol-rich- food or eggs, start avoiding saturated fat. You can substitute vegetable oil, butter, sticky margarine by canola oil or olive oil. Start consuming more fish and less meat. 

Add more fibre in your diet

Consuming fibre not only keeps your heart healthy but also helps in lowering cholesterol levels. Include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet. Soluble fibre is more effective at lowering cholesterol.  Sources of soluble fibre include oats, peas, beans, apples and citrus fruits; one serving of any of these food provides about one to three grams (g) of soluble fibre. 

Avoid smoking

Smoking accelerates “bad” cholesterol in your body and can cause innumerable cardiovascular diseases and other physical ailments such as kidney failure and diabetes.  Acrolein, a chemical compound found in cigarettes, causes heart disease by affecting the way the body metabolizes cholesterol. This compound is so poisonous that it is used in pesticides and chemical weapons.

Healthy lifestyle

To bring down your LDL cholesterol level, you have to alter your unhealthy lifestyle. Consume fewer cholesterol-raising food, greater quantities of cholesterol-lowering food and engage yourself in regular cardiovascular exercise. Doctors say that regular physical activity can raise HDL or "good" cholesterol by up to 10%. Even brisk walking is beneficial. 

Eat nuts

Studies have shown that walnuts have cholesterol-lowering properties. Walnuts contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in reducing cholesterol levels. Not only does the consumption of walnuts reduces cholesterol levels but also lowers the risk of heart disease and inflammation. Almonds are also beneficial. Nuts are high in calories so consume a handful a day.

Drink green tea

Researchers have shown that green tea contains compounds that can help in lowering LDL cholesterol. Green tea is a healthier alternative to sodas and sugary beverages. 

Limit alcohol consumption 

Alcoholic beverages are generally high on calories and elevate LDL cholesterol or the so called “bad” cholesterol. Alcohol can also lead to unwanted weight gain thereby, increasing your risk of diabetes and heart diseases. For your better health, consume alcohol in moderate amounts. Moderate amount of alcohol can raise HDL or "good" cholesterol level by 10%. Consume 1-2 drinks a day. 

Include these tips in your daily routine to cut your high cholesterol levels fast. Cardiologists always advice people over 20 to go for high cholesterol screening at least once in every five years. Individuals with high risk of cardiovascular diseases must go for frequent screenings.

Image source: Pixabay
