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Glutathione Injections for Whiter Skin: Made In Heaven Highlights Dangers of Unregulated Cosmetic Procedures

Glutathione supplements are generally considered safe as oral supplements. However, the major issue occurs when glutathione is used as an injectable.

 Onlymyhealth Staff Writer
Written by: Onlymyhealth Staff WriterUpdated at: Aug 18, 2023 19:49 IST
Glutathione Injections for Whiter Skin: Made In Heaven Highlights Dangers of Unregulated Cosmetic Procedures

Onlymyhealth Tamil

Made in Heaven’s social commentary has set a benchmark in the Indian entertainment industry. Tackling gender norms, patriarchy, and sexual taboos, another prevalent mispractice that the show has highlighted in its first episode is undergoing invasive cosmetic procedures to achieve a whiter complexion, often without proper medical supervision or consent.

You might have wondered how many actresses who had a darker complexion when they first appeared on screen, are now much fairer in comparison. Made in Heaven has the answer to this question. In the very first episode, a character who is often chastised about her dark complexion is about to get married. To make her look perfect on her special day, her mother encourages her to undergo a glutathione treatment, with the promise of a 'cleaner' and more 'glowing' look. However, the character after undergoing the treatment at a self-proclaimed beauty clinic, breaks out in hives and rashes, highlighting the dangers of these dubious beauty procedures. 

Glutathione Made In Heaven

Understanding Glutathione for Skin Lightening

Glutathione is naturally produced by our bodies to protect cells from damage and support the immune system's proper functioning. It is commonly used by doctors for cellular repair, muscle repair and as a pain suppressant in cancer patients.

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Calling Glutathione a master antioxidant while speaking to the team of OnlyMyHealth, Dr Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist and Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics, said, “Glutathione has now gained significant attention for its potential beauty benefits. It is claimed that it counteracts the harmful effects of free radicals responsible for skin pigmentation issues, blemishes, and dark spots. It is also claimed that Glutathione inhibits the activity of skin-darkening enzymes.”

Glutathione creams, oral tablets, oral sprays, or even lozenges, that claim to lighten the skin gradually from the inside out, are pretty common. As per a study published in the Clinical, Cosmetic And Investigational Dermatology Journal, oral glutathione presented reduced ultraviolet spots and wrinkles, and an increase in skin elasticity. But the study suggested that to establish the efficacy of glutathione, further studies in larger and more diverse populations are warranted. 

“Glutathione supplements are generally considered to be safe as oral supplements. Nevertheless, few people might encounter mild side effects like stomach discomfort or allergic responses. Take the supplement only after consulting the doctor,” informed Dr Kapoor. 

However, the major issue occurs when glutathione is used as an injectable. 

Exposing The Dangers of Glutathione

Glutathione Made In Heaven

To see quick results, many beauty enthusiasts are often roped into getting glutathione IV injections. IV administration allows for direct delivery of the antioxidant into the bloodstream. However, this practice has raised concerns about safety and potential side effects.

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Glutathione IV injections are usually administered to prevent nerve damage and other toxicities from the cancer drug cisplatin. Licensed dermatologists claim to never recommend glutathione injections as there isn’t enough reliable information or scientific data to say whether these injections help in permanent skin lightening. So such procedures are often practised by unlicensed medical professionals, who have no issue compromising on ethical considerations. Some of the things you must consider about glutathione injections from self-proclaimed beauty clinics are:

  • Claims of rapid and dramatic skin-lightening results through glutathione are often exaggerated. 
  • The effectiveness of glutathione for skin lightening varies from person to person due to factors such as genetics, skin type, lifestyle, and dosage.
  • Skin lightening achieved through glutathione treatments is not usually permanent. Maintenance sessions are often required to sustain the desired effect.
  • There can be potential risks and side effects of glutathione injections, especially with unsupervised use. These may include allergic reactions, kidney problems, and disruption of the body's natural antioxidant balance. 
  • Only a well-trained medical professional can be trusted for knowing the appropriate doses of chemical compounds. Serious side effects of glutathione injections can give you severe rashes, hives, chills, painful blisters and lesions on the skin and mucous membranes.

Beware of Glutathione Injections

The relationship between glutathione and skin lightening is complex and multifaceted. While glutathione does play a role in the body's antioxidant defence, its direct impact on skin pigmentation is still a topic of ongoing research and debate. 

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Giving into the colonial mindset which teaches us Indians to revere fairer skin over a darker complexion is the biggest reason why many women undergo unlicensed medical treatments to achieve ideal beauty standards. Discarding these orthodox ideals that are damaging to not just your physical health but also your mental health and social perception should take precedence over superficial beauty. 

However, if you still want to opt for skin-lightening treatments to give yourself a confidence boost and tackle your insecurities, approach glutathione-based skin-lightening treatments with caution. Consult a qualified healthcare professional before making any decisions. 
